White Water Kayak Leader Training

A Two-Day Leadership Training Course to enable you to lead individuals and small groups Kayaking on grade 2/3 white water rivers.

When are the next available courses?
  • 30th-31st November

  • Where does the course take place?

    The training will take place on rivers in South West England. The exact locations will depend on conditions. Please note, no transport is included.

    Are there any pre-requirements?

    This course is for anyone aged 16+ with prior experience of white water paddling. You must have attended a Paddle UK White Water Safety course. You must hold Full Membership of Paddle UK (formerly British Canoeing), have completed a 2-day First Aid course (dated within the last 3 years) and have completed Safeguarding Training (dated within the last 3 years).

    What's included in the White Water Kayak Leader Training?
    The course focuses on personal and leadership skills to enable you to lead a group of paddlers in a moderate white water environment. The training emphasizes the application of strokes to achieve suitable techniques and boat control in real situations. Key areas covered include:
  • Personal paddling skills
  • Rescue skills
  • Safety, leadership, and group skills
  • Theory

  • Important Information
  • The assessment takes place separately. Please contact us if you would like to book an assessment.
  • You will be sent further joining instructions upon booking. Please read these carefully and get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Always check the weather forecast and prepare to dress accordingly.
  • We will provide centre-specific equipment. If you have your own, feel free to bring it along.
  • Learn more about White Water Kayak Leader Training Courses.
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    It's time for adventure