£50 Value Voucher
What is this voucher for?
This voucher has a value of £50. This voucher can be used on any of Mendip's activities, such as: Abseiling, Air Rifle, Archery, ArcheryActive, Assault Course, Axe Throwing, Bushcraft, Canoeing, Caving, Climbing, Frisbee Golf, Kayaking, Nerf Battles, Orienteering, Raft Building, Stand up Paddle Boarding, Group Snowsport Lessons, Recreational Skiing, Recreational Snowboarding, Standard Tobogganing, Easter Tobogganing, Halloween Tobogganing and Disco Tobogganing.
How do I use the voucher?
You will receive a Voucher Code and a Security Code which can be used online to book a date and time that suits you. When you redeem the voucher, it will take the value of £50 off your basket total. If you still have value left, you will be able to use the voucher another time. Vouchers are valid for 18 months.
Where do these sessions take place?
Mendip Activity Centre's main site is in Churchill, North Somerset. We also have a number of other activity sites nearby. Your activity location will be specified when you book.
Outdoor Activities can be booked as Individual Spaces or as Exclusive Groups, with some age limits.
-Tobogganing: Ages 4-12. If booked as an exclusive Half Slope Group Session, ages 4+ with no upper age limit.
-Skiing Lessons: Ages 8+
-Snowboarding Lessons: Ages 8+ height minimum 1.2m Shoe Size min adult size 2
-Minis Private Ski Lessons: Ages 5-8.
-Recreational Skiing/Snowboarding: Ages 5+ and must be recreational standard.
-Archery, Axe Throwing, Air Rifle: Age 8+. If booked as an exclusive group session ages 6+. At least one adult must be participating.
-ArcheryActive, Nerf Battles: Age 6+. If under 8s are taking part, at least one adult must be participating.
-Frisbee Golf: Any age. Under 6s play free. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
-Orienteering: Any age. Under 6s free. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
-Bushcraft & Survival Skills: Age 8+. If booked as an exclusive group session ages 6+. If under 8s are taking part, at least one adult must be participating.
-Rock Climbing, Climbing Tower, Caving, Try Caving, Abseiling (20m/65ft): Age 8+. If booked as an exclusive group session ages 6+. If under 8s are taking part, at least one adult must be participating.
-Abseiling (50m/150ft): Ages 10+
-Assault Course, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, Raft Building Canoeing: Age 8+. If booked as an exclusive group session ages 6+. If under 8s are taking part, at least one adult must be participating.
Gift Vouchers are valid for 18 months.
Annual Passes are valid for 13 months (meaning they make a great Christmas gift!)
To check the expiry date of your existing vouchers visit our Voucher Check Website
Yes, when you purchase a Voucher online we email you a link instantly so you can print or download your Personalised Gift Voucher.
You can use the Voucher details in your email booking confirmation to book online.
Vouchers can be used to make bookings online at www.mendip.me/book
Add your chosen activity to your basket for a time and date that suits you and proceed to checkout.
Your voucher will have unique "Voucher" and "Security codes which are both required to redeem the voucher. Enter both of these codes in the corresponding boxes when prompted during the check out process. By clicking "apply voucher" the value of your activity session should fully discount from your basket.
For a more detail of how to redeem your voucher, please visit www.mendip.me/myvoucher
If you cannot, or do not want to, use your gift voucher for the activity it was originally intended for, you can use it against any of our activities. There are a few exceptions to this: ensure you check your original booking confirmation.
The discounted value will be the value at which the voucher was purchased for. For example, a voucher purchased for £15, will discount £15 off the price of an activity.
When you check out, add your voucher codes when requested. If the voucher was not intended for the activity that is in your basket, you will receive a warning message. Once you click "Redeem voucher", the value will come off your basket total.
Important: Vouchers can only be used once in this way. If your basket total is less than the amount paid for initially, you will lose any remaining credit.
Vouchers cannot be used against food, drink or retail onsite.
Click here to login to your Mendip online account and view Vouchers, booking files or any sessions booked online.
To view Vouchers, select the Vouchers tab. Your Vouchers will be listed along with expiry date/s and a link to print. You may also use this section to edit or amend any personalised messages displayed on your voucher.