Mendip Youth Ski Club
Mendip Ski Club has limited spaces. It costs £22 when booked online or £27 when booked on arrival.
How does it work?
Our experienced, qualified instructors will meet you in our equipment room and get you kitted out with skis, boots and a helmet (just bring a pair of gloves and wear full length sleeves and trousers). The session is a great way for young skiers to refine and develop their skills with fun games and exercises!
Do I need to attend every week?
There is no commitment to come weekly but many of our skiers are regular attendees!
Is it right for me?
Mendip Ski Club- Youth Session is for ages 5 to 16. You'll find an Adult Session here. The adult session is for ages 14+ and includes slalom poles. Everyone must be at a recreational standard so able to stop on demand, control speed, steer and avoid other objects and users and use the button drag lift. Whether you have just completed our Learn to Ski Course or you are an experienced skier, this is the ideal way to continue developing your skills!
Mendip Ski Club is a friendly environment so as long as you can already ski, please do come along! If you are looking for other opportunities to improve your skiing, you can drop into Ski With an Instructor, book a Private Lesson, or book a Slope Pass.